JoAnn Muller: Prison Chaplain

JoAnn’s interview provided an important perspective on the debated issue of whether or not victim survivors should be incarcerated based on her experience working in the prison systems as a Chaplain.  Given the recidivism rate that occurs in prison systems, JoAnn realized that a common contributing factor was the lack of hope for the future that many survivors seemed to accept and the lack of services that are provided to help these women plan for, and transition into, a life of their dreams.  JoAnn is now dedicating her work to developing and implementing programs to help women find the hope that can make the difference between continuing to cycle in and out of prison, or helping them to break that cycle.  JoAnn has also been an activist in Montgomery County, bringing experts together to educate the community on the reality of sex trafficking and what can be done to address it.

We were moved by JoAnn’s stories and our eyes were opened to the realities of victim survivors in prison.